The Biosignature explanation for gaining fat on the arms for women and men.

Posted: May 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

Biosignature is the method of measuring body fat and correlating the sum total to a hormonal dysregulation. In layman’s terms, if there is a particular hormonal imbalance, the Biosignature will pick it up. Though a blood test will ultimately tell and screen a definitive hormonal problem, the Biosignature is a great tool at doing what it does. It is consistent and also helps shine new light on the lifestyle aspect of fat loss. The main reason is that certain sites simply indicate if a person is taking care of themselves or not. It allows people to really dial it in and focus on more aspects of health other then diet. Biosignature has helped people quit smoking, give up alcohol and give people more incentive to follow a structured meal plan. What I love about the system is that every site can tell you something about a person, such as if they are eating too many carbohydrates, not sleeping enough, storing toxins or how much circulating androgen’s a male has.

The proof is in the results on this one, and it never amazes me anymore when certain things happen with body fat.  I will have a client increase cardio, but the naval region will not go down with out proper sleep and enough rotation in the diet. Another example is if a client starts eating better but still smokes, the Triceps skin fold will remain high. Let us dive in with both feet and let me explain why women and men gain body fat on their arms.

Women and Triceps fat are closely correlated to liver toxicity. This is not implying that your liver is failing, but you have accumulated enough toxins to start affecting your hormonal and metabolic functions. This is not to say that you simply need to cleanse to remedy the problem. It might go deeper than that. There are genetic types of individuals who do not methylate B-vitamins well, which leads to poor detoxicification processes. The reason is when you consume foods rich in B-vitamins, it has to attach to a methyl donor to be absorbed. If you are naturally a poor methylator, you will become highly deficient in B-vitamins quickly. So, this particular person will and has to take a special methylated B-vitamin with topical B-vitamins to remedy the problem. Some cases can also take a special powder known as SAME, which has direct methyl donors to help you absorb B-vitamins and even raise hepatic Glutathione* faster then sublingual glutathione. Furthermore, active detoxing is not as important as eliminating any foreign agents that might be plaguing the body. For women, it is common for them to be exposed to many toxins on a daily basis. The hair care products alone women use can contain up to 10 different xeno-estrogens which can really do harm to a women’s health. Smoking, drinking and eating foods loaded with natural and added chemicals can add more fuel to the flames, and it is prudent for women to examine closely what potentially dangerous substances they are putting in and on their bodies. Doing this piece alone has helped my female clients drop serious body fat off of their Triceps skin fold. Aesthetics aside, it will also help you live a healthier and happier life free of chemicals and potentially dangerous chemicals.

Men and Triceps skin fold is directly correlated to how much free testosterone a male has. Testosterone, contrary to popular belief, is actually a calming hormone and low levels are actually more directly linked to aggression and depression then high testosterone. Though Charles Poliquin (Creator of Biosignature) does not like to say testosterone (he prefers to use the word “androgen’s”), I will use it to keep people on board. A lot of things can lower testosterone in males: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor dietary habits, poor nutritional status and lack of exercise. They are many ways to raise testosterone in males using Biosignature. Charles Poliquin has an awesome online community for coaches sharing the latest training, supplement and dietary research articles, and uses them to design protocols for men looking to man up. Training with heavier weights and taking long break periods is a training protocol used to raise androgen’s in males (80/95% intensity, 4-8sets followed by 2-4 minute breaks). Taking adaptogenic herbs to regulate Cortisol and increase DHEA-s* (when a person releases too much Cortisol they will preferentially produce very little DHEA-s which is a potent androgen made from Pregnenelone). A final step will be to make sure the male gets enough sleep. I call it going on a lion’s diet. Move when necessary, eat when hungry (protein preferred) and sleep as much as humanly possible without getting fired or having your wife divorce you. Implementing the specific strategies has knocked males from a skin fold of 18 mm all the way down to a 4 mm skin fold. In Charles’ opinion, when you have a Triceps above 10 mm your are probably at the point where you sit down to pee or skip Monday night football to go shopping.

There it is- the cold hard facts about the Biosignature modulation. I am hoping to share more with you in the future on the rest of the sites. The system is a great tool for not only getting people lean, but also helping them clean up their lifestyles. Charles has taken a lot of time designing this system and aims at delivering the best and most practical information to his practitioners. He gives them the most practical information and research on training, diet and lifestyle, so we can help change as many lives not just effectively, but permanently.

* Glutathione is the bodies most potent anti-oxidant. Hepatic (liver) Glutathione is one of the best measures of how much Glutathione you have in your system.

* Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate is a male androgen produced in the adrenal cortex. Cortisol and DHEA-s are both produced from the same raw material, Pregnenelone. Pregnenelone is not indispensable and can run low in the body. When this happens, the body preferentially produces Cortisol over DHEA-s. This is known as the Pregnenelone steal. In women, this will lead to low Progeseterone. I once heard a trainer tell a female client to take DHEA-s if her progesterone was low. Proof that not all advice is good advice.


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